Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices
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Program and Book of abstracts
Book of abstracts
9th Sophia Journal International Conference“Landscapes of Care” Public housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices will present a live and videoconference program organised by University of Navarra -School of Architecture - E.T.S.A. and the event will be broadcasted live online, encompassing a rich and diverse program around: (i) roundtables for each panel concerning a focused topic coming from Sophia´s comprehensive call; (ii) presentation of articles and visual essays submitted; (iii) Collective Photography Exhibition: Public housing across multiple geographies.
The concept of Landscapes of Care has increasingly been adopted by diverse areas of study, from health geography to the arts and architecture. It is used here for addressing descriptive, analytical, and interpretative projects that offer a unique perception and new knowledge about housing, its residents, and the city, and its ability to respond to and reflect local conditions and be an element of social-territorial cohesion. Projects that are critical territories capable of expanding our understanding of architecture and social landscape in terms of their language, location, residents, and neighborhood.
This International Conference - Public housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices integrates the thematic cycle Landscapes of Care, addressing contemporary photographic and visual practices that focus on on a dynamic reading of the city that is conditional and conditioned by housing typology. Combining architecture, public housing, habitat, and urban planning, we are convoking works that explore an interpretative narrative about housing and those who live in it, pilot projects with communities of practice capable of generating strategic visions about the possible future of city and territory, housing and the lives it (trans)forms, in this ontological relationship between the Man and house.
LANDSCAPES OF CARE: Public housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices
Sophia Journal's third thematic, “Landscapes of Care”, addresses research, projects, experiences, and contemporary photographic and visual practices that focus on how architecture, understood in a broad sense, can help to heal the relationships between man and habitat, as well as the socio-environmental crisis that the planet is experiencing.
The concept of “Landscapes of Care” has increasingly been adopted by diverse areas of study, from health geography to the arts and architecture, transposed here as the action of the social state in the housing sector, which generates a relationship of care between the state and society, framed by economic, social, and cultural rights. In this call, we are interested in investigations and visual narratives that help us understand and document practices outside the dominant narratives, which promote the right to housing but also the right to the city, calling on the city and the territory as living and inclusive organisms, recognizing the importance of public resources and social responses, participatory processes, and co- responsibility, for global sustainability.
This issue, focusing on public housing, allows contributions to be centered on a dynamic reading of the city that is conditional and conditioned by housing typology. Combining architecture, public housing, habitat, and urban planning, we are convoking works that explore an interpretative narrative about housing and those who live in it, pilot projects with communities of practice capable of generating strategic visions about the possible future of city and territory, housing and the lives it (trans)forms, in this ontological relationship between the Man and house.
Public housing should be an example of innovative practices, whether in design or urban and territorial development. However, most interventions carried out through housing policies or specific and isolated actions on public housing need to be sufficiently known and disseminated by authorities, technicians, and researchers to produce broad knowledge and debate. Our objective is to make known and amplify these practices that intertwine theory and action and explore how photography, surveys, testimonies, and documentaries can be used as significant research instruments in the socio-economic, political, historical, technical, and ecological dimensions of social housing, the city and the territory, revealing good practices and models to study. Launching a critical look at city-making from its dominant program - housing - we also intend to establish relationships of continuity and/or rupture, alignments, and/or gaps between housing and urban, socio-political, and architectural thought nationally and internationally.
In this call for articles and visual essays for this issue of Sophia Journal Vol. 9 | Landscapes of Care. Social housing across multiple geographies: Crossing theories and practices, we invited authors to submit theoretical work, records of experiences in social housing programs, and visual essays on initiatives or pilot programs in public housing, where photography, graphic recording, testimony, and the documentary are present in a significant way and allow adding a differentiating layer for its understanding and recording. Descriptive, analytical, and interpretative projects offer a unique perception and new knowledge about housing, its residents, and the city, and its ability to respond to and reflect local conditions and be an element of socio-territorial cohesion. Projects that are critical territories capable of expanding our understanding of architecture and social landscape in terms of their language, location, residents, and neighborhood.
We were also interested in photography and film work that allows us to acknowledge the social and political dimension of architecture and landscape and understand architecture as Alvar Aalto did, “as a great synthetic process of combining thousands of definite human functions,” together with Donna Haraway’s focus on human and non-human interaction - new “nature cultures” capable of contributing to a greater understanding of the potential of architecture and landscape for a more ecological and sustainable balance and interaction between architecture and nature.
22 - 23 of November 2024
The Conference will be held in person and online at University of Navarra -School of Architecture - E.T.S.A.
Carlos Naya (ETSAUN)
Pedro Leão Neto (CEAU-FAUP)
Pedro Leão Neto (CEAU-FAUP)
Igea Troiani (LSBU)
Joan Mac Donald (U. Chile)
Jorge Tárrago Mingo (ETSAUN)
Maria Neto (UBI-FAUP)
Paz Nuñez Martí (UAH-ETSAM)
Antonio J. Cidoncha Pérez (ETSAUN)
Maria Neto (UBI-FAUP)
[10:00] Opening remarks
Carlos Naya (ETSA-UN) – Director of ETSA
Pedro Leão Neto (FA-UP) – Conference Coordinator and Sophia Journal Editor-in-chief
Open Call - Sophia Journal Vol.10 No. 1 “Landscapes of Repair: The Role of Photography and Film in Documenting the Legacy of Modern and Contemporary Architecture and Public Spaces”
Cristina Gaston Guirão (ETSAB)
[10h30] Panel #1 – Resonances
Moderated by Paz Nuñez Martí (UAH-ETSAM)
Revitalizing Housing: Trajectories of Cooperative Systems
Luisa Frigolett
Spatial Interventions in Vulnerable Territories: The 'Bairros Saudáveis' Case
Leonardo Ramirez/ Rita Ochoa
The Impact of Care: Expanding Architectural Education through Community Design-Build
James Doerfler
Collective Housing by Collective Practice: The Inclined Condominium in Bergamo
Loris L. Perillo/ Lorenzo de Pascale/ Federica Mambrini [Visual Essay]
[11h30 - 12h:00] | Roundtable discussion
[12:00] INVITED SPEAKER - Iñaki Bergera
[14h00] Panel #2 – Trans-Formations
Moderated by Maria Neto (UBI-FAUP)
Territory as Threshold: Non-Modern Landscapes
Luís Ginja
Hybrid Landscapes in the Pearl River Delta: Macau Modern Housing
Niccolò Arnaldo Galliano/ Daniela Arnaut/ Ana Tostões
Errante: Contemporary Heuristic Reflections on Housing (Malagueira, Marselha, La Borda)
Sérgio Miguel Magalhães
Public Housing from Within: Childhood Memories as a Landscape of Care
Chloé Darmon [Visual Essay]
[15h00 - 15h30] | Roundtable discussion
[15h30] INVITED SPEAKER – Carlos Canovas
[16h30] Panel #3 – Cycles
Moderated by Jorge Tárrago Mingo (ETSAUN)
Fenix Spaces: Youth and Livability in Inner Areas
Frederica Serra
Right to the City (photo)voices: participatory photography with children in Greater Lisbon
Rosa Arma/ Camila Andrade dos Santos
Differentiated Inhabitation of 'Auteur Architecture': Photographing Álvaro Siza’s Bouça Housing Estate
Eduardo Ascensão/ Marta Machado/ Paulo Catrica/ Ana Catarina Costa
The Right Distance: Photographing the Neighbourhoods Built Under the Carnation Revolution
Ana Catarina Costa/ Francisco Ascensão [Visual Essay]
Housing the Basque Country: Photography of the Collective Space
Asier Santas Torres/ Luis Suárez Mansilla/ Luis Asín Lapique [Visual Essay]
[17h45 - 18h15] | Roundtable discussion
[18h15] INVITED SPEAKER – Tatiana Bilbao